The Holy Rosary
John Paul II
Blessings of the Rosary
Peccatoribus praestat poenitentiam.

Sitientibus stillat satietatem.

Alligatis adducit absolutionem.

Lugentibus largitur laetitiam.

Tentatis tradit tranquillitatem.

Egenis expellit egestatem.

Religiosis reddit reformationem.

Ignorantibus inducit intelligentiam.

Vivis vincit vastitatem.

Mortuis mittit misericordiam per modum suffragii.

Sinners obtain pardon. Those who thirst are refreshed. Those who are fettered are set free. Those who weep find joy. Those who are tempted find peace. Those in need find help. Religious are reformed. The ignorant are instructed. The living learn to resist spiritual decline. The dead have their pains eased by suffrages.