The Holy Rosary

Meditations of Blessed James Alberione

First Joyful Mystery. The Annunciation.

The Archangel Gabriel announces to the Blessed Virgin Mary the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ and her elevation to be the Mother of God. Mary accepts, declaring herself to be simply the handmaid of the Lord. Let us ask for the virtue of humility.

Second Joyful Mystery. The Visitation.

The Blessed Virgin Mary hastens to visit and serve St. Elizabeth. Let us ask for Mary's love toward our neighbor.

Third Joyful Mystery. The Birth of Jesus.

Born in the stable of Bethlehem, Jesus is laid in a manger amid utter poverty. Let us esteem the virtue of poverty and ask it of Jesus and Mary.

Fourth Joyful Mystery. The Presentation.

Although not in duty bound, Mary presents Jesus in the Temple and perfectly fulfills what was prescribed for purification. Let us consider and ask for the obedience of the Blessed Virgin.

Fifth Joyful Mystery. The Finding in the Temple.

As an adolescent, Jesus remains for three days among the doctors in the Temple listening to them and asking them questions on matters regarding His Father. Let us ask the grace to understand and live our vocation.

First Sorrowful Mystery. The Agony in the Garden.

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus sweats blood and prays with humility, confidence and perseverance. The angel comforts Him. Let us ask for the spirit of prayer.

Second Sorrowful Mystery. The Scourging at the Pillar.

Tied to a pillar, Jesus is cruelly scourged in reparation for men's many sins of impurity. Let us ask for the virtue of chastity.

Third Sorrowful Mystery. The Crowning with Thorns.

Jesus is crowned with thorns and mocked in atonement for many evil thoughts and sentiments. Let us ask for purity of mind and heart.

Fourth Sorrowful Mystery. The Carrying of the Cross.

Condemned to death, Jesus carries the heavy cross to Calvary. Let us ask for patience in our sufferings.

Fifth Sorrowful Mystery. The Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord.

Jesus is crucified, suffers for three hours and dies to save us from hell. Let us ask the grace to love the holy Mass, which perpetuates the sacrifice of Calvary.

First Glorious Mystery. The Resurrection.

Jesus Christ rises gloriously from the sepulcher. This resurrection represents our resurrection on the last day. Let us ask the Lord to increase our faith.

Second Glorious Mystery. The Ascension.

Our Savior ascends into heaven with wonderful glory and triumph. Let us ask for detachment from the honors, goods and pleasures of the earth, and to desire only heavenly glory, joys and goods.

Third Glorious Mystery. The Descent of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit descends upon the Apostles to enlighten, comfort and sanctify them. Let us ask for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially wisdom, fortitude and zeal.

Fourth Glorious Mystery. The Assumption.

After her earthly pilgrimage, the Blessed Virgin is assumed into heaven, body and soul, with marvelous glory. Let us ask for a holy life so as to die in the holy love of God.

Fifth Glorious Mystery. The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Mary is crowned Queen of heaven and earth, dispenser of all graces and our most loving mother. Let us resolve to be devoted to the Blessed Virgin and let us ask the gift of perseverance.